Why Choose a Wooden House |

Choose a house for pleasure that will make your beautiful home!

Home tells a story and we are behind the beginning of every narration. Wood is a heart of our objects we work on and we put all our effort and knowledge into them. Our wooden houses are projected for a long-term and we use a verified combination of wood and modern large-scale materials that are easily accessible, ecological, pleasant and beneficial for health when constructing these houses.

Regardless of whether you choose a simpler construction, a multigenerational house, typically Czech architecture or a modern architectural solution, one thing is certain: Our process is always precise. From an idea through concept up to final testing. We make use of the sandwich-structure system with the use of very modern production and fitting processes. Costs of heating in stand-alone houses and other constructions on a wooden basis are drastically lower in comparison to brick objects.

Thanks to high heat resistance the wooden houses comprise of, the energy necessary for construction heating is considerably saved. Immediate heat loss of the wooden houses is very low and the time to reach comfortable temperature inside the house is also substantially reduced.

Why Choose a Wooden House

An undoubted advantage of contemporary wooden houses – compared to any brick construction – is the speed and simplicity of construction. Let’s also take a detailed look at other positive aspects of wooden houses.



Thermal insulation qualities

High thermal resistance (R=5.56 m2 K/W – Vario Standard) means low costs of heating in the winter and, on the other hand, of keeping the building cool in the summer.


Acoustic qualities

The sandwich design of the wooden constructions means better acoustics inside than is the case with massive brick constructions.


Ecological parameters

Wood is a renewable material and places a minimum burden on the environment, not only during the building and use of the house, but also during its possible liquidation.


Healthy environment

Wooden houses have a pleasant interior environment. The wood regulates the absorption and release of moisture from the house.


Easy change of the dispositions

The light and easily dismantled construction facilitates both easy and demanding changes in the variability of the arrangement of the interior.


Larger interior space

Construction on the basis of wood means that there is comparable thermal resistance with narrower walls than traditional brick buildings. You will gain more interior space for living.


Building the whole year round

Because of the dry construction technology, which does not require any drying process, it is possible to build at any time during the year.


Speed of building

You can build a prefabricated wooden house in several weeks. You can start living in the house within three months from the start of the construction.


Long lifetime

The high quality of the materials used and their performance guarantee a long lifetime. Twenty years of maintenance-free state, fifty years of guarantee on the construction, and a lifetime for the building of one hundred years.


Saving money

Wooden houses are very economical, not only during their construction, but also throughout the period of their use. They have low operating costs.


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